Our Beautiful Life

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gray hair here we come....

So I went home this past Wednesday afternoon and spent a wonderful three days with Miss Addison Grace. We had fun cleaning up our house and going to gymnastics (in which she did not participate). It was wonderful to be at home again after my three week stay with Karter in the hospital; although, I still felt torn about being at home and not with Karter. A few days ago I told a dear friend of mine that we all needed "mommy" breaks sometimes and I guess I was heading my own advice and taking a break from being hospital mommy! Addison was defiantly a sight for sore eyes! She was absolutely fabulous to be around. The only heartbreaking part was when we were at home and she was calling around the house for Baby Karter. She made me lift her up to all of Karter's beds just to make sure that I was not lying to her about Karter still being sick. It was very emotional for me to watch her look everywhere for her sister. She then proceeded to pick up one of her babies and call it Baby Karter. She gave it to me and told me to feed it and change it! Haha! She is such a ham but I am guessing this is one of her many ways of coping with the situation. After all she has not been able to see her sister in two weeks!!! Thankfully she will be able to come up to the floor tomorrow and see her! I can not wait to see her little eyes light up! She just loves her baby seester (as she would say).
While I was gone Karter behaved herself for my grandparents and for my mother. She did not have any so called spells. She did have to get a FEEDING tube though because she was not taking in enough calories per the doctor at every feeding. However, since she has had the tube she has taken in more than enough feeds at every feed and has not had to use the tube except to get her medication! She is such a little stinker!
Today she did have three big spells in which she dropped her oxygen level pretty low. I believe the lowest it got was about 37. After her second spell they did give her a shot of morphine which in general is used to make the heart calm down so that the valve does not continue to spasm but instead relaxes. They believe this shot of morphine caused Karter to relax too much sending her into yet another spell. All in all each spell lasted from about 30-45 minutes. Instead of being on one liter of oxygen she is now on four for the night. So far so good. They did threaten that if she had another major episode that we would have to go to the ICU for more one on one observation. After her last feed at about 11 she did let her stats drop from the 90's to the 60's almost making the doctor put in the call to the ICU. Luckily though she pulled it back up within about 10 minutes! I do believe that she is just showing off for her dad and I. Letting us know who the real BOSS is around here. :) I really think that she may be the cause of my first grey hair! I am very thankful for all of the hairstylists on Jeremy's side of the family!!

The doctor would like for Karter to be about 12lbs now for surgery so it seems as if we will be waiting just a little while longer for surgery. They have her formula fortified even more so hopefully we will continue to gain weight at a constant rate! Prayers are needed for this weight gain and for the health of Miss Karter while we are waiting "patiently" for her to gain weight!

Update on Karter's Bow of Faith:
To date we have received about 157 bows!! That is amazing! I have not been able to check the P.O. Box but from what I hear we should have some there! All of the girls and boys here are enjoying their new head gear from what we have heard. I still have not received any photos so I may have to go bug some of these parents ....who would not want to show off their kiddo though? :)

I hope everyone has a Happy Fourth! I know I will because Miss Addison will be coming up tomorrow to be with us! From what I have heard there is a magnificent Fireworks show that we can see from our room...what better than to have everyone together on this holiday! I am so thankful for the men and women who serve this country to provide us with our freedom!
Here are a couple of photos by Rose Bailey Photography! These were taken almost a week before we came back to Children's! Glad we got them in just in time!

God Bless,
Tara McHam

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tara what a long journey you and your famiily have been on. The story about Addison looking for Karter is so sweet and brought tears to my eyes. Poor big sister all worried about her little! I am so glad you all got to watch fireworks from the hospital. Last year when my boys were in the NICU there was also a big firework show that took place during shift change so that is what Ryan and I did. It might seem like a long road now, but hopefully these days will be memories that seem so long ago. Keeping you all in my prayers!
