Our Beautiful Life

Friday, April 23, 2010


We were released yesterday afternoon! We are now at home being monitored by our pediatrician for weight gain and for signs of issues with her heart. We go back to Dallas in a month for a check on her heart and hopefully we will be able to postpone surgery until this fall when she is larger and older. We will have to have surgery to repair her AV canal and her PVA valve which is too small. This surgery could keep us at the hospital in Dallas for 2-4 weeks depending on her rate of recovery. We will continue to pray that we can postpone this surgery until she is older and better able to handle it.
We are so thankful to have her here back in Tyler! We love being home and being back to "normal" (or as normal as normal can be right now). As ironic and crazy as this sounds I do miss her machines that gave us her vital readings and her heart readings. I believe that we became accustom to them and now being without them makes our nerves a little on edge. If I was not up peaking over her bassinet then Jeremy was up looking over our angel. I can not even tell you how many times I laid my hand on her precious little chest just to make sure she was still breathing. I hope eventually that our nerves settle down and I pray that we are able to put this fully in God's hands and trust that he is in control. I know that we need to but knowing and doing are two different things.
We will post some pictures and videos of her being home in the next few days. We continue to ask for your support and prayers!


The McHams

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