Our Beautiful Life

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day Four- Full of Hope

Amazing is all I can say for today! Karter has exceeded the doctors expectations with everything. She is now feeding every three hours and is gradually being increased in the amount of milk she is given. We have not had to insert a feeding tube yet, thankfully! Her stats are still staying strong, and she was able to loose a few more wires and monitors today! The Lord is truly doing miracles with all of your prayers guiding his way.

Today we had some of our closest friends come up, Dustin & Philana. Man were they a sight for sore eyes! I never knew how much all of this would make us feel disconnected from the "outside" world. They were able to visit for most of the afternoon and even took us to dinner at an incredible pizza place. It was great to get away and eat dinner with friends and forget about all of the machine beeps that are constantly beeping in the room. Thank you guys again so much!!! Oh and Miss Karter thanks you for her elephant!

On another note, Addison is still doing good! She helped plant a garden this evening at Nana & Pa Dumas's house. I can not wait to see her face when those vegtables start to grow and she realizes what she help to create! She is coming up tomorrow and Jeremy & I can not wait to see that precious smile of hers or hear her voice! God sure has blessed Jeremy & I with an awesome family! Both of our girls are beautiful ladies that I know are going to do great things in this world! They have already made Jeremy & I very proud and have also made us stronger and better people.

Tomorrow Karter gets another echo cardiogram, so hopefully we will have some more great news! Please pray that her PAV is closing up like it should be doing at this time. Once again thank you all for everything you are doing and have done!

1 comment:

  1. Im sooo happy about the news u guys keep getting! God is on ur side!! It was great getting to see u guys too!!!! Holding Karter kinda brught tears to my eyes. She is so gorgeous and i guess im kinda emotional right now anyways. We love u and cant wait for u to come home!! Give Karter and Addi a kiss and hug from us and well see u guys soon!!!
