Our Beautiful Life

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day Ten- A little light at the end of the tunnel!

We are getting closer and closer to coming home!!! I am excited yet a little scared....being at home means that we will not have the heart monitor or the oxygen monitor hooked up at all times letting us know that she is ok. I know that she has to come out of her bubble at some point in time but I am afraid that I have become all too comfortable with the monitors by her side. Karter will be receiving another echo on her heart tomorrow to see if it has closed up completely, if it has then we will be able to start the process of getting ready to prepare for the house. The doctor thinks we could be home as early as Friday depending on her echo. If the PDA valve is not closed then we will still be waiting for it to close.
Yesterday we also were informed that Karter's bone marrow is producing some abnormal cells. The doctor insured us that the production of these cells was not an immediate cause for concern because she is producing them at a low rate. It is something that we will have to have monitored by an oncologist and an hematologist over the next few years. It is something that will more than likely clear itself up, and it is usually found in Down's babies. In RARE cases it can lead to certain kinds of childhood leukemia. The shock of hearing that it could lead to leukemia was somewhat overwhelming but Jeremy and I are putting this in the Lord's hands. We are defiantly learning to take things day by day.
Karter also is having a little trouble eating enough to gain weight. She weighed 5 lbs 8 oz at the beginning of this journey and on Monday was 6 lbs 3 oz; however, on Tuesday she was only 6 lbs 1 oz. The doctors would like to see her progress at a better rate as far as her weight is concerned. Therefore they are now supplementing my breast milk with some formula to pack it full of calories. This is intended for her to be able to get more calories for every ounce of milk she eats. Right now she is only eating at most about 1 ounce every 3 hours. They would like her to be eating at least 2 ounces every 3 hours. I know that she will get there! She is such a fighter and I know that she is trying her best to eat as much as she can!
Jeremy and Addison did leave Children's this past Tuesday afternoon so I have been here holding down the fort with Jeremy's mother and mine taking turns sitting with me. I am beginning to go a little stir crazy! I do miss my afternoon walks with Addison around our neighborhood but I am very grateful that the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to be here at Children's with Karter. At least we can see a light at the end of the tunnel for this stay. I know there are still many more times that we will have to be here at Children's but I am glad to see that we could be going home any day now! I will post more information on or arrival home and the results of her echo as soon as I know anything!


The McHams


  1. Tara, you and Jeremy are wonderful parents. I am so proud to have you as my daughter-in-law. I think of you more as my own daughter. You guys are very strong and remember you have the Lord on your side. It will be so exciting to watch Addison and Karter grow into beautiful young ladies.
    Addison is already so much fun and Karter will be too. You guys have made two of the most beautiful little girls in the world. Always remember we are here for you! Love you.

  2. I will keep praying for ya'll, especially that you will have peace, when you head back home... I admire your faith!!! :)
