So it has officially been a week since Karter Bear was released!! Here are some of my favorite photos from our week!
(Mind you these are all off of my phone!)

I could get use to having these two together!
Addi & Karter sleeping a little bit longer while momma got ready for
our daily doctor appointment!

Addi Bug being ever so cool, with her baby doll Gertrude
off to the side being punished...she is such a DIVA!

Wow! It feels like coming home from the hospital the first time all over again! It has been amazing having everyone under one roof! Addison is still in LOVE with her sister! She does not let her out of her sight very often, but who could blame her? Karter Bear has been doing great at home! Her cardiologist said she still looked great at her appointment on Thursday. She had a chest x-ray and several labs done and all of them came back great! The only problem we have had this week is some weight loss. This is probably due in large part because she is just too tired to get up at night. They have decided to go ahead and let her sleep 6 hours at night and then get up for a feed. She seems to like this a lot more and does not seem as tired. I am just so thankful that this week was full, in most part, of good news. Karter did get to go to her PT & OT to have her work-up to see how far she is behind due in much part to being laid up in the hospital. While she did have PT & OT a the hospital there were several days where she was just too tired to participate. Physically she is behind and will need to catch up. She is still "floppy" meaning that her core neck muscles and her center core (abdominal & back) are lacking a lot of muscle tone. This is a trait of Downs & is one that she does posses. Due to her long stay at the hospital she is a little bit further behind then she would be had she not of had the long stay. THANKFULLY her physical therapist and occupational therapist are both confident that they can get her to where she needs to be in a good amount of time. I am so grateful that I was able to know a wonderful PT to turn to after Karter was born. If you ever need Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Speech Therapy for children I would highly suggest East Texas Children's Therapy center. They approach each child as if they were their own and really have a family feeling atmosphere! They even included Addison in our initial check-up giving her a snack and a coloring book so that she would also be occupied. Even though we had to see a doctor every day this week but Tuesday I would not have changed it for anything! Next week we go four times again but I still would much rather be home then back at the hospital!!!
So this week has been your typical mom week for me! It has been full of dirty diaper, bottle washing, bottle making, & juice cup finding! I absolutely loved every minute of it and I am just on cloud nine now that we are home. Addison has been such a doll this week! She is now fully obsessed with High School Musical in much part to "her boy" Zack Effron. She has the biggest crush on him! It is pretty cute now I just hope this boy craziness leaves her soon and does not stick around! She has also entertained me with her new found passion for dancing. She will randomly stop and say go crazy go crazy and start in on her dance sequence. She is full of laughter and joy and has been my saving grace. We have broken a few rules this week and have had late night pop corn snacks & coke but hey they are only this little once! So far we have prevented any tragic accidents involving Addison over helping with Karter this week. :)
Jeremy is most certainly glad to have all of his girls back under one roof! Now let's just see if it stays this way in a few more years when the hormones start flying around!!!
Jeremy is most certainly glad to have all of his girls back under one roof! Now let's just see if it stays this way in a few more years when the hormones start flying around!!!
I am about to go rein in Hurricane Addison (as my Papaw would call her) for the night and do my usual double check that all of Karter's medicines were given to her tonight!
Much Love,
The McHams'