Our Beautiful Life

Friday, August 20, 2010

Teeth, teeth, & more teeth!

So this week Karter has not had any significant changes! Whoo Hoo!!! She is still strong and doing great! I do believe that she is starting to teeth! The crazy thing is she has two white bulbs where her eye teeth are in her mouth. I could of sworn that they get their middle front and bottom teeth first but hey Karter has not done anything by the books thus far I am assuming teething will be no different. Speaking of teeth, Addison Grace used her teeth in the most unappropriate fashion this week. Let me start at the beginning of this story and let you know that she had been begging me for "another" Popsicle. She had already had her one for the day so I told her no. She then continued to beg so I decided instead of popping her bottom I would just keep telling her no and then ignore the question. Upon figuring out what I was doing she decided to one up me and get my attention quickly. It started with a cry from Karter and then Addison saying, "baby Karter is hurt". I immediately turn my attention to Karter (this whole time I had been dusting in the room) and start to look her over to check for the source of pain. You must know that Karter never cries unless something is terribly wrong. Upon my examination I notice this nice set of teeth imprints on her left foot. Knowing that it could not have been Karter who bit herself I began to question Addison on why there might be teeth marks on her little sister. She then proceeds to tell me exactly how it is, much of which I could not understand and probably would not want to understand. After a small popping and some time out she decided it in her best interest to apologize to Karter for using her to drawl my attention back to her. She is such a goof ball! I can not wait till we are passed these TERRIBLE twos!!

New for us this week is Addison's new insomnia habit. She can not sleep for anything!!! I have tried everything!!! Jeannie did suggest a book that I will be consulting in the near future! Addison has not gone to bed before 1:00 am this week, well with the exception of tonight! Then she is waking up very early, taking a small nap during the day, playing hard, and still not tired at night. Hopefully this will pass soon!

So today we had our first big Holy Moly incident. When heading out of the house this afternoon I had both girls out the door and was beginning to take Karter and the tank down the stairs when BOOM! I was laid out at the bottom of our steps. Mind you it is only three steps down. Karter thankfully was in her carrier and landed right side up while the tank and I took the brute of the fall. My ankle tonight is very sore and minus a cut here and there I am okay too. The tank was also OK only chipping off some of the paint on the can. Addison immediately came down the steps to check things out and was more worried about my necklace (which has a magnetic connector) being thrown off of my neck. She kept asking if the necklace was OK. After getting over the initial shock and confirming that I had not broken my foot I picked everything back up and we got in the car. I am just so grateful that Karter was not hurt!!

Tonight I do ask that you send up prayers for a very special little warrior. Her name is Haven Grace and she received a new heart this past week. The Lord has been by her side the whole time and she is recovering beautifully! Praise the Lord for the wonderful work he does through our youngest troopers!

Much Love!

Tara McHam

P.S. Ear appointment for Karter is this coming Friday! I just pray that the Lord will see us through this next challenge as we prepare for the worst but hope for the best.

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