Our Beautiful Life

Monday, May 17, 2010

So the teaching begins...

So tonight as I was sitting here holding Miss Karter Bear I was overwhelmed with emotions. Over the last few weeks my faith has certainly been tested and as I sat here tonight I just kept asking myself and the Lord why did this happen? Why has my sweet girl started out her precious life with so many obstacles to overcome? Did I do something to cause all of this? And that is when she woke up looked directly at me and squeezed my finger with her tiny hand....at that moment I felt nothing but peace. Her little eyes seem to tell a story of her own, instead of feeling sorry for her I should be thankful that she is here and that the Lord has given her to us to share with the world. There are so many other things that could have been wrong and there are a lot of other families out there that are dealing with more pain than I could ever imagine. Karter is going to be alright, she is going to live a life that is going to be amazing. I can not believe that at such a young age that she is already teaching me. As a parent you feel as if you should be teaching your children, that you are the teacher and that they are a learner. Both of my girls have shown me that this concept is definitely not true. Addison & Karter teach me new things everyday. In fact I think that they have taught Jeremy and I more than we have even taught them. Addison is a true example of unconditional, unselfish love. She has taken Karter into our home as if she has always been apart of our family. She has not once been jealous of her sister and in some way I know that she already knows that Karter is a very special baby. She is just remarkable. So with all of this all I can say is that the Lord works in mysterious ways and tonight he touched my heart through our special angel. There will be no more tears of sorrow for me but instead tears of joy!

God Bless!

Tara McHam


  1. Aw thats beautiful Tara!!! I have tears. U are so right about all of it. They do teach us so much and they all have a purpose in life and are blessings!!

  2. Tara,

    I am following your journey with Karter closely. Your family is special to me. I will be praying for your endurance. I know there are days that are more challenging than others and there seems to be more bad news than good. I can see your faith and it is proving to be your stronghold. God is faithful even when we cannot see what He is doing. I am already encouraged by Karter's life so YES! She is making a difference in the world! Hold fast to the hand that will never let you go.


    Michael Christian Paine

  3. Tara, I just wanted you to know that I continue to be blessed by your posts on here. It is so great to see that you are putting all faith in God! Admist all you guys are going through you have still found reason to rejoice. I am praying for you all...God is still good and still on His throne. love you, Kaysi
