Our Beautiful Life

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Everyday is a new day!

Wow! I can not believe that Karter is already a month old! To start off I would like to say that she is doing WONDERFUL!!! Addison is still obsessed with her baby sister and continues to kiss her about a trillion times a day! It is truly remarkable to see how much she already loves her little sister.

So since our last update Karter has had a few doctors appointments. Her ENT appointment to test her ears did not go as we would have hoped. They did both tests on her little ears and sadly came back with poor results. On a baby that has good hearing they can hear from 75 to 25 decimals with 75 being the highest. Karter could barley hear on a 75 decimal in both ears. In Tyler they can only test for high frequency hearing so they have decided to send us back to Children's to retest her high frequency hearing and the low frequency hearing. We will go in July to test both of her ears again and from there we will be able to determine our next step and properly fit her for any hearing devices she may need. Since we are catching her hearing loss so soon we will be able to work with a speech therapist and hopefully prevent any speech impairments.

On another note at our last weight check Karter weighed 6lbs 1oz!!! Due to this she does not have to go back for another one for two weeks!!! Her oxygen and heart rate were also great. So our next major appointment will be in Dallas with her pediatric cardiac surgeon on May 25th for a check up. We will then get her first set of shots on the 28th, she will only be 6 weeks old at this time but they are doing them early in order to get in as many sets of shots as they can before her surgery.

Over these last few weeks I can not even descibe how much our hearts have been touched by the generosity of people. We have meet so many new people that have heard about Karter's journey and have just called or written to say hi, and even received a few blankets and trinkets from others. We have even learned how much people around us truly care. It is amazing to me how many lives have been touched by our little angel. So as I leave out tonight I would just like to say that the power of prayer is amzaing and we hope that everyone will continue lifting our precious baby girl up to the Lord.

God is great!

The McHams

1 comment:

  1. You guys are a true testament to what God wants from us all. Loving parents and a will that is second to none.

    I pray for all of you all of the time.

    Keep up the good work.

